Pre pickup 3 days old
Well, the day is drawing very near to our first visit to the breeder of our Golden Retriever puppy. All things going well, there will be another two visits - one when they are 7 weeks old to temperament test the male puppies, and assuming there is a suitable pup, another to pick him up a week later. They are nearly 4 weeks old right now (they were born 5th of July), so only starting to develop their personalities and a touch too young for any testing (the youngest recommended temperament testing is at 5 weeks old). However, there should hopefully be some indication of how they will grow up - I am looking for a calm but curious and confident puppy, and we may be starting to see (or not) that at 4 weeks of age.
Whether or not I can see a potential assistance dog among the males, it will give me a good chance to see the breeders setup, how she socialises from a young age, and talk to her about a whole bunch of topics, from feeding, to vaccinations, pet insurance and supplements. I also am going to ask her whether she would mind simply clicking a clicker every time she puts down a dish of food for the puppies (and leaving a clicker with her for that reason), so that it starts the association from a very young age and makes sure he won't come to me scared of the clicker. I'd recommend she starts with it fairly heavily muffled for the first couple of days to ease them into the sound. A pup whose virtually always known that a click means food/reward from nearly all their days of eating solid food is a headstart for me when it comes to training! I hope she is comfortable with the idea, although if upon meeting her she doesn't seem like the sort to be flexible like that I just won't ask. I bet she hasn't done it before with her litters, although I do know some dogs of her breeding have gone far in obedience I somewhat doubt it was done all by clicker.
Oz Working Dogs - Assistance & Working Dog Equipment
For assistance/service dog equipment, as well as guide, therapy, detection, search & rescue, police and dogs in training equipment check out my website - I make and sell vests, capes, belly bands, harnesses, handles and more... and will post to the world!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Knightley is born today!
Knightley is born this day!! However, of course I don't know about this until later, so this is a cheeky entry from the future!
Little did I know waiting for the perfect puppy would work out for the best.
Little did I know waiting for the perfect puppy would work out for the best.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
List of what to buy, planning for pup, health been bleugh
So planning for the pup has been going full ahead, I have been writing lists of things I need in order to go straight into a gentle training regime from age 8 weeks when we get him. I also need to ask for official permission to keep him here, which could be the only sticking point. As I have said before, legally I should be allowed my pup as he is a assistance dog prospect and isn't being kept as a 'pet', but I don't want a legal fight. I am putting together a big package to support my case with letters from three health professionals as well as documentation about what a mobility assistance dog is, etc etc. I am, cross fingers, not anticipating too much trouble. I am going to offer to get the carpet cleaned professionally twice a year, and anything else they may wish to throw in. I just really hope it goes smoothly. I am pretty good at the old documental (is that a word?) twist of the arm, if I say so myself.
My illness has been flaring up some recently, and I get icky skin rashes when that happens. Makes me shy to go out, although this current rash isn't as bad as the one three weeks ago - that time I was going out with hats pulled down over my face.... so embarrassing. I usually have really good skin. Anyway, the good news is that I finally got into hospital for some IV treatment, starting with this morning. They pumped huge amounts of medicine in me (not until after my veins played up though!) so here's a big cross fingers it helps some. At least with my skin, if not all the other stuff.
My illness has been flaring up some recently, and I get icky skin rashes when that happens. Makes me shy to go out, although this current rash isn't as bad as the one three weeks ago - that time I was going out with hats pulled down over my face.... so embarrassing. I usually have really good skin. Anyway, the good news is that I finally got into hospital for some IV treatment, starting with this morning. They pumped huge amounts of medicine in me (not until after my veins played up though!) so here's a big cross fingers it helps some. At least with my skin, if not all the other stuff.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
I got photos from the breeder!! Puppy pile!
I am so excited to see proof of my lovely fat furry slug. My husband described them as slippers!!!! (you can tell it is very cold and wintry here). I am quite bewitched, I need to keep my head as if I get all gushy and choose the wrong pup it could mean re-homing down the line. Come on girl, keep as un-emotional as you can be with a soft cute fuzzy shark-like slipper only 4 hours drive away which is officially reserved as "yours"!!!
EEEEK! It's happening! Feast your eyes on this pile of puppies!
EEEEK! It's happening! Feast your eyes on this pile of puppies!
Friday, July 8, 2011
I'm putting down a deposit on my pup!
Wow! Well it seems like it might be happening!!! I am actually going to finally own my Golden Retriever! In some ways it isn't the best time in my life to be doing this, money is kinda low after the wedding, and my husband hasn't yet got himself a job here (partly because Canberra being the capital of Australia, being small-ish and very government focused, has mostly government jobs you need citizenship for, and he's British). We are also living in a rented house, which doesn't have the greatest back yard.
However, in other ways it is exactly the right time. For the first time in about three years I am starting some work, volunteering work, but still - work. Having an assistance dog would help me take that forward towards solid part time paid work, considering he won't be fully trained for 18-24 months or so. Also, despite my illness, I would like to think in three or so years I will be hopefully well enough to try to have a baby. I would have to come off a bunch of my medication and it would risk making it me sicker, but I really really want to try. So I would like to have my assistance dog fully functioning before then.
However, in other ways it is exactly the right time. For the first time in about three years I am starting some work, volunteering work, but still - work. Having an assistance dog would help me take that forward towards solid part time paid work, considering he won't be fully trained for 18-24 months or so. Also, despite my illness, I would like to think in three or so years I will be hopefully well enough to try to have a baby. I would have to come off a bunch of my medication and it would risk making it me sicker, but I really really want to try. So I would like to have my assistance dog fully functioning before then.
Housetraining / potty training your puppy and training them to go on cue
You've taken your dog on a road trip with you, and you have booked into a pet friendly hotel for the night, but it's pouring rain outside and he needs to go to do his business outside before you all go to sleep. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just tell him to go, and he would obey? Instead you just know you are going to be following him around in the pitch black for 20 minutes in that pouring rain as he gets drenched but is happily sniffing every surface in sight before finally doing what you were praying for. These instructions should teach you how to train your puppy to go on cue (command) from a very early age. It will work for a grown dog, but it will take longer as they just don't go as often. These instructions should also teach a dog that going inside is not the way things are done, and that outside (and holding it) is the only option for relieving themselves.
***Updated as of 23rd December 2012
One of the requirements for assistance/service dogs is that they do their business on cue, so not only did I need to house train Knightley, but from the beginning I had to instill a cue word, and I wanted a separate one for his no.1 and no.2. I originally planned to do this by training with a clicker, and also using a favourite toy to make it fun, but this changed as Knightley was so fascinated in outside as a tiny puppy he wouldn't even notice the clicker or a toy - he preferred dirt or leaves! Now, at nearly 5 months old, he has a lot more focus and I do occasionally use a clicker/marker word with a good treat to reward him for going.
Anyway, this is a schedule for potty training a puppy, assuming that you are at home. If you weren't at home, you would have him crated and would have to make it back to the house every two hours to let him out - with a small drink every time to keep him hydrated. That is the MINIMUM for a very young puppy. But an 8 week puppy really needs more contact than that, and needs feeding 4 times a day anyway. You should plan to take time off when you get a new puppy, to give him the best start in life possible.
This schedule is completely adaptable for adult dogs, but what you want to do is get some sort of liquid your dog really wants to drink - something like some chicken bones boiled up is perfect. You don't need to add anything else to it, all you want is something tasty that will make your adult dog need to pee more often! As soon as he has gone once, give him another good couple of cups of the chicken broth and crate him again. The crate is essential for this type of house training, especially at night, but also for when you can't closely supervise. If you have your dog out of his crate, you need to always be watching, or tether the dog to you. Then watch that body language for signs he needs to go!
This schedule is intended only as a guide, the times are flexible really, the point is the dog must go out every 45 mins during the day (for an 8 week old puppy), every 1 hour during the early morning (still sleepy), and every 2 hours during the night. Yes, it is overkill, especially during the night, but the more times he goes outside, the more he realises that outside is the only place to do it. If you find it isn't often enough, then you may have to do it more often for the first week or two until the bladder grows a bit. What time to feed is worked into the schedule but up to you really, as well as whether to play with the dog after a successful potty at certain times of the day etc. As time went on, I slowly pushed the times I was getting up for Knightley forward, for instance at first it was 12am 2am 4am 6am, then it was 1am 3:30am 6am, then it was 1:30am 4am, then it was 2:30am 4:30am, then 3am 5am, then 4am - just up once in the night. By 11 weeks old, the pup should only need this one trip outside, and by 12-13 weeks he should be able to sleep comfortably through the night. Yes, it sounds like a lot of work, going outside a lot. But really, it is only a few weeks when you think about it, and it is so so so very helpful in reinforcing that outside is for peeing.
So here it is:
Toileting schedule for 8 week old puppy
6am Outside, small treat as reward, no play, back to crate in bedroom
7am Outside, small treat as reward, no play, back to crate in bedroom
7:45am Outside, treat as reward, a quick play, inside to be fed
8:05am Back in crate for a short time after feeding
8:30am Outside, treat as reward, play, toilet again, inside to crate/pen
9:15am Back to outside every 45 mins with treats as rewards every success
10am "
10:45am "
11:30am Outside, treat as reward, play, inside to be fed
11:50pm Back in crate for a short time after feeding
12:15pm Outside, treat as reward, play, toilet again, inside to crate/pen
1pm Back to outside every 45 mins with treats as rewards every success
1:45pm "
2:30pm "
3:15pm "
4pm Outside, treat as reward, play, inside to be fed
4:45pm Back in crate for a short time after feeding
5:05pm Outside, treat as reward, play, toilet again, inside to crate/pen
5:30pm Back to outside every 45 mins with treats as rewards every success
6:15pm "
7pm "
7:45pm Outside, treat as reward, play, inside to be fed
8:05pm Back in crate for a short time after feeding
8:30pm Outside, treat as reward, no play, toilet again, inside to crate/pen
9:15pm Outside, treat as reward, no play, inside to crate/pen
10pm Outside, treat as reward, no play, inside to crate/pen
11pm Outside, small treat as reward, no play, back to crate in bedroom
12:30am "
2am "
4am "
6am "
The idea of the schedule is that it provides many many opportunities for the dog to go outside, and minimises the likelihood that he will go indoors. So don't get slack, or it will be your fault when your dog can't help but go inside!! If he does go inside, don't scold, it is likely that the pup couldn't help it. Take him outside to the toilet place immediately and hang around there for a while. If he goes again, have a HUGE party! Make sure you clean up with a enzyme cleaner before he is allowed free roam again. At the age of 8 weeks, a Golden Retriever has the bladder the size of a walnut, so it really isn't fair to expect it to hold much more than a couple of hours while sleeping, and indeed much shorter than that when awake. The good news is the bladder, along with the rest of the puppy, grows quickly. It is a matter of learning good habits from the start. That is where a rather overzealous schedule comes in, going out very frequently and making sure your puppy does it outside again and again and again, and gets rewarded for it with a treat and a bit of a play every time (although not at night when you need the puppy to sleep, you may have noticed). Also it is important to take water away from your pup at about 8pm, after his last meal. You can give him some ice if you think he looks thirsty, but when his bladder is so small, by drinking late at night you are just making it harder on you and him to get through the night without accidents or having to take him out quite a few times. This is different if you are wanting to re train an adult or older puppy, who has a good bladder size. You can let them drink at night, in fact I would encourage them to drink with the chicken broth, but do take them outside during the night at least once - and praise and treat profusely when they do go.
Now for training the cue. By keeping him in a crate for the night, and by taking him out often and regularly you know that when he gets outside into an open area he definitely is going to go - perhaps not every time, but many times. This means that you are going to have the opportunity to tell him that he's doing exactly the right thing many times a day. Firstly, keep him on a shortish leash, so you can be right there beside him. You can try using a clicker for this training when the pup is young, but I have to say, it didn't work with Knightley - he just enjoyed being outside far too much and barely heard the click. However what I did do was this: he started peeing and I would say "looloo! looloo!" and then praise him lots and lots verbally. When he finished I would pat him and tell him he was the best puppy in the world. Sometimes I would then play with him, depending of the time of day. He was often too distracted and excited at being outside to eat any treats, although he will now thanks to my hard work! So now what I do now is click my clicker as soon as he is finishing his business (timing is important!), and then immediately give him his treat. Clickers can be bought cheaply at any good petstore, although the iClick is considered the best.
I chose "looloo" for his no1 cue and "go toilet" for his no2. I wanted cues that would be ok to use in public, and wouldn't sound a bit off! It is important you don't go inside straight away as soon as he has done his business, as he will learn to delay it as it means fun over. So stay outside for another minute afterwards. However, if he doesn't go, don't hang about, go back inside and try 20-30 minutes later. Also, always use the same spot, so that it has his scent and encourages him to go.
I wrote this plan well before I got Knightley and followed it almost to the letter - and it worked completely. It is so nice to be able to ask him to go before getting in the car, and many other examples like that. As I said, it is required for assistance dogs, but I wish I had known how to do it with my previous pet dog, it would have been so useful. If you are consistent with training from day 1 of bringing your new pup home, housetraining should be a breeze. If you have a problem dog, or a problem puppy, it isn't too late. Just stuff them full of tasty liquid and have them spend quite a bit of time in a crate!
Other tips
Good luck!
***Updated as of 23rd December 2012
One of the requirements for assistance/service dogs is that they do their business on cue, so not only did I need to house train Knightley, but from the beginning I had to instill a cue word, and I wanted a separate one for his no.1 and no.2. I originally planned to do this by training with a clicker, and also using a favourite toy to make it fun, but this changed as Knightley was so fascinated in outside as a tiny puppy he wouldn't even notice the clicker or a toy - he preferred dirt or leaves! Now, at nearly 5 months old, he has a lot more focus and I do occasionally use a clicker/marker word with a good treat to reward him for going.
![]() |
Knightley looking comfortable in his crate at age 12 weeks. Growing up and having accidents very rarely. |
This schedule is completely adaptable for adult dogs, but what you want to do is get some sort of liquid your dog really wants to drink - something like some chicken bones boiled up is perfect. You don't need to add anything else to it, all you want is something tasty that will make your adult dog need to pee more often! As soon as he has gone once, give him another good couple of cups of the chicken broth and crate him again. The crate is essential for this type of house training, especially at night, but also for when you can't closely supervise. If you have your dog out of his crate, you need to always be watching, or tether the dog to you. Then watch that body language for signs he needs to go!
This schedule is intended only as a guide, the times are flexible really, the point is the dog must go out every 45 mins during the day (for an 8 week old puppy), every 1 hour during the early morning (still sleepy), and every 2 hours during the night. Yes, it is overkill, especially during the night, but the more times he goes outside, the more he realises that outside is the only place to do it. If you find it isn't often enough, then you may have to do it more often for the first week or two until the bladder grows a bit. What time to feed is worked into the schedule but up to you really, as well as whether to play with the dog after a successful potty at certain times of the day etc. As time went on, I slowly pushed the times I was getting up for Knightley forward, for instance at first it was 12am 2am 4am 6am, then it was 1am 3:30am 6am, then it was 1:30am 4am, then it was 2:30am 4:30am, then 3am 5am, then 4am - just up once in the night. By 11 weeks old, the pup should only need this one trip outside, and by 12-13 weeks he should be able to sleep comfortably through the night. Yes, it sounds like a lot of work, going outside a lot. But really, it is only a few weeks when you think about it, and it is so so so very helpful in reinforcing that outside is for peeing.
So here it is:
Toileting schedule for 8 week old puppy
6am Outside, small treat as reward, no play, back to crate in bedroom
7am Outside, small treat as reward, no play, back to crate in bedroom
7:45am Outside, treat as reward, a quick play, inside to be fed
8:05am Back in crate for a short time after feeding
8:30am Outside, treat as reward, play, toilet again, inside to crate/pen
9:15am Back to outside every 45 mins with treats as rewards every success
10am "
10:45am "
11:30am Outside, treat as reward, play, inside to be fed
11:50pm Back in crate for a short time after feeding
12:15pm Outside, treat as reward, play, toilet again, inside to crate/pen
1pm Back to outside every 45 mins with treats as rewards every success
1:45pm "
2:30pm "
3:15pm "
4pm Outside, treat as reward, play, inside to be fed
4:45pm Back in crate for a short time after feeding
5:05pm Outside, treat as reward, play, toilet again, inside to crate/pen
5:30pm Back to outside every 45 mins with treats as rewards every success
6:15pm "
7pm "
7:45pm Outside, treat as reward, play, inside to be fed
8:05pm Back in crate for a short time after feeding
8:30pm Outside, treat as reward, no play, toilet again, inside to crate/pen
9:15pm Outside, treat as reward, no play, inside to crate/pen
10pm Outside, treat as reward, no play, inside to crate/pen
11pm Outside, small treat as reward, no play, back to crate in bedroom
12:30am "
2am "
4am "
6am "
The idea of the schedule is that it provides many many opportunities for the dog to go outside, and minimises the likelihood that he will go indoors. So don't get slack, or it will be your fault when your dog can't help but go inside!! If he does go inside, don't scold, it is likely that the pup couldn't help it. Take him outside to the toilet place immediately and hang around there for a while. If he goes again, have a HUGE party! Make sure you clean up with a enzyme cleaner before he is allowed free roam again. At the age of 8 weeks, a Golden Retriever has the bladder the size of a walnut, so it really isn't fair to expect it to hold much more than a couple of hours while sleeping, and indeed much shorter than that when awake. The good news is the bladder, along with the rest of the puppy, grows quickly. It is a matter of learning good habits from the start. That is where a rather overzealous schedule comes in, going out very frequently and making sure your puppy does it outside again and again and again, and gets rewarded for it with a treat and a bit of a play every time (although not at night when you need the puppy to sleep, you may have noticed). Also it is important to take water away from your pup at about 8pm, after his last meal. You can give him some ice if you think he looks thirsty, but when his bladder is so small, by drinking late at night you are just making it harder on you and him to get through the night without accidents or having to take him out quite a few times. This is different if you are wanting to re train an adult or older puppy, who has a good bladder size. You can let them drink at night, in fact I would encourage them to drink with the chicken broth, but do take them outside during the night at least once - and praise and treat profusely when they do go.
Now for training the cue. By keeping him in a crate for the night, and by taking him out often and regularly you know that when he gets outside into an open area he definitely is going to go - perhaps not every time, but many times. This means that you are going to have the opportunity to tell him that he's doing exactly the right thing many times a day. Firstly, keep him on a shortish leash, so you can be right there beside him. You can try using a clicker for this training when the pup is young, but I have to say, it didn't work with Knightley - he just enjoyed being outside far too much and barely heard the click. However what I did do was this: he started peeing and I would say "looloo! looloo!" and then praise him lots and lots verbally. When he finished I would pat him and tell him he was the best puppy in the world. Sometimes I would then play with him, depending of the time of day. He was often too distracted and excited at being outside to eat any treats, although he will now thanks to my hard work! So now what I do now is click my clicker as soon as he is finishing his business (timing is important!), and then immediately give him his treat. Clickers can be bought cheaply at any good petstore, although the iClick is considered the best.
I chose "looloo" for his no1 cue and "go toilet" for his no2. I wanted cues that would be ok to use in public, and wouldn't sound a bit off! It is important you don't go inside straight away as soon as he has done his business, as he will learn to delay it as it means fun over. So stay outside for another minute afterwards. However, if he doesn't go, don't hang about, go back inside and try 20-30 minutes later. Also, always use the same spot, so that it has his scent and encourages him to go.
I wrote this plan well before I got Knightley and followed it almost to the letter - and it worked completely. It is so nice to be able to ask him to go before getting in the car, and many other examples like that. As I said, it is required for assistance dogs, but I wish I had known how to do it with my previous pet dog, it would have been so useful. If you are consistent with training from day 1 of bringing your new pup home, housetraining should be a breeze. If you have a problem dog, or a problem puppy, it isn't too late. Just stuff them full of tasty liquid and have them spend quite a bit of time in a crate!
Other tips
- Sniffing the ground in circles often means "I need to go"
- Staring into the distance or at you sometimes means "I need to go"
- Always go out by the same door when taking your dog out
- Always use the same place in the garden, the scent will encourage your dog to go
- Use a short leash
- If you pup doesn't go within a minute or two, go back inside immediately. It should be boring unless he does his business. As soon as he does, everything becomes wonderful.
- If there are any accidents inside make sure you use a special pet cleaner that has enzymes in it so that there is no scent left to encourage your puppy to use the same spot again
- In addition to the schedule make sure you take your pup out after he wakes up from a nap and after any play sessions - this is the one that resulted in Knightley's only accidents! Get your pup out FAST after he wakes up AND after play sessions!!!
- Once your dog knows the door you go out by, he'll stand by the door when he wants to go out, so watch out for that behaviour beginning
- Don't tell your dog off for going, even if you catch them in the act. It is quite unlikely to do anything, and your dog may start finding private places to do it, so you won't catch them. It is better you know when they go and see it happening, so you can take them outside immediately. If you tell them off, they will be less likely to do it in front of you in the future.
Good luck!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
My puppy may be born
So, the news is my puppy *may* be born. I know a litter is born in which I have dibs on a male pup. However I don't know how many males have been born yet as I assume the breeder is flat out tending for them and hasn't been able to let me know yet. Apparently the mum had a great big belly, so there were a good number of pups in there, so there's a reasonable chance that there's a good number of boys. I mailed this morning asking how many boys/girls were born so I hope I will find out soon. The breeder is very well known throughout Australia, and the sire of the pups is very impressive also, from another top breeder.
The only possible problems are I am not getting first pick on the boys, although she said she could possibly bump me up a couple of places in priority considering what the dog is going to be doing in its life and considering I will be wanting quite different things than those looking out for a stud male for their kennel. However, knowing this kennel I will be ending up with a gorgeous dog anyway, even if it isn't quite 'show' quality as it is being picked for other qualities.
The only possible problems are I am not getting first pick on the boys, although she said she could possibly bump me up a couple of places in priority considering what the dog is going to be doing in its life and considering I will be wanting quite different things than those looking out for a stud male for their kennel. However, knowing this kennel I will be ending up with a gorgeous dog anyway, even if it isn't quite 'show' quality as it is being picked for other qualities.
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